This is a special massage techniques  that can heal palpitations, anxiety, and discomfort in the heart.

If you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent palpitations, anxiety, chest tightness
  • Easily get nervous
  • Have experienced significant trauma or shock, where thinking about the trauma or shock makes your heart uncomfortable
  • Have panic disorder, anxiety disorder, accompanied by palpitations
  • Have previously engaged in prolonged excessive exercise and experienced heart discomfort, such as over-trained athletes
  • Have felt chest tightness and heart discomfort due to prolonged severe stress
  • Have experienced long-term insomnia, insufficient sleep, easily feeling heart discomfort, or fatigue

And you have already seen a cardiologist, and all the tests are  normal except tachycardia. Cardiologists may tell you your heart is fine and there's no major  problem, attributing symptoms to stress and autonomic nervous system imbalance.

You might leave the hospital with doubt:" I clearly feel uncomfortable in my heart, yet the physician says it's fine?" Taking medication may temporarily alleviate discomfort, but palpitations and anxiety return when you stop the medication. Why does this happen?

In fact, it's likely because your heart may have already been injured, but modern medicine cannot yet detect it, hence why physician say your heart is fine.

In such cases, damaged hearts can be repaired through "heart massage techniques."

Acupoints corresponding to the heart on the chest are selected, such as the Purple Palace point紫宮穴, Jade Hall point玉堂穴, Spirit Storehouse point神藏穴, and Spirit Gate point靈墟穴, among others. Combined with breathing techniques, acupoint massage and herbal medicine can repair the damaged heart.

How does the heart get injured? 

The heart is essentially a large muscle. In histology, your heart, like other muscles in our body, is composed of striated muscle. They all  generate force and movement by contraction.

If you use muscles incorrectly or subject them to excessive force, prolonged tension without rest can lead to muscle injury and pain.

Similarly, if you subject the heart to excessive stress, overwork it without proper rest, the heart can also become injured.

The "Huangdi Neijing"(黃帝內經) states: "The heart houses the spirit," and "The heart is the ruler of your body, and the spirit and consciousness emerge from it. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the heart is the chief among the organs and controls consciousness. 

If there are problems with your heart, you may easily become restless, constantly anxious, mentally fatigued, and could develop panic disorder.

Therefore, some people remain calm even under immense pressure, while others become extremely anxious even under minor stress; the difference lies in the condition of their hearts.

Heart massage techniques not only repair the heart, treat palpitations and anxiety, heal psychological trauma, heal mild heart failure, but also enhance heart function, physical strength, and endurance.

    創作者 中醫師王星凱 的頭像


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